
Clock Repair Rates

The exact cost to repair your clock can only be determined after an inspection of your clock and will be based on a fee schedule that reflects an hourly rate of $60 per hr. and the average time required to complete the the various repairs that are needed, and the type and complexity of your clock, and the cost of any required parts. Some major repairs may require a 50% deposit. Special ordered parts and complete replacement movements require 100% prepayment. Shipping costs, where applicable, are actual FedEx/USPS charges plus plus a repacking charge depending on the size and type of clock. There is no charge for an inspection and estimate. (Maryland residents pay 6% sales tax parts.)

I never do unnecessary repair work, but I will not service your clock unless I am can do all that is needed in order to return to you a reliable clock with which you will be pleased.

OK, so what should you expect to pay for a typical clock repair?
That's a difficuly question to answer because there really is no such thing as a typical clock repair. Every clock has its unique condition issues, which often include previous improper "repairs" by others that must be corrected. The following costs are typical, but your actual cost could be more or less.

  • BASE SERVICE CHARGE - Typical two-train (time & strike) clock - $240
    Includes removing and disassembling the clock movement, cleaning and inspecting individual parts, polish pivots as needed, clean & oil main springs where applicable, reassemble movement, adjust escapement if needed, oil movement, test run for one to two weeks. (Bushings, parts, and additional repair work not included.)

  • BASE SERVICE CHARGE - Typical three-train chime (time, strike & chime) clock - $300
    Includes removing and disassembling the clock movement, cleaning and inspecting individual parts, polish pivots as needed, clean & oil main springs where applicable, reassemble movement, adjust escapement if needed, oil movement, test run for one to two weeks. (Bushings, parts, and additional repair work not included.)

  • BASE SERVICE CHARGE - special & unusual clocks: Some clocks such as the Welch Patti clocks, the Waterbury 3-plate chime clock, the Sessions two-train chime clock, calendar clocks, Ingraham and Waterbury movements with steel plates, wooden works clocks, novelty clocks, cuckoo clocks, some Asian clocks, and a few others require additional time to service. BASE SERVICE CHARGES FOR THESE is specific to that type of clock and are too many to list here and reflect the standard $60 per hr. rate. Please call or email to arrange an estimate.
  • FLAT RATE SERVICE NOT INCLUDED IN BASE SERVICE CHARGE These are based on $60 per hour rate.
    These are based on the typical time required to complete and include common repairs such as installing bushings, repairing lantern pinions, replacing pivots, repairing damaged gears, fitting replacement hands, and other frequent repairs required to make the clock run properly. These charges are in addition to the BASE SERVICE CHARGE and will be included in your written estimate total.

  • OTHER SERVICE CHARGES are based on $60 per hour rate with minimum 1/2 hr, charge.
    These include minor adjustments and repairs that do not require the clock movement to be disassembled.

  • Case & Dial and Artwork restoration: Art work and dial restoration work is sent out to other professionals and billed at cost plus 10% processing charge. I do not do case restoration work.

Clock Repair Estimates

There is never a charge for a service estimate, however, in order to give an accurate estimate, I need to be able to see your clock and inspect its internal parts, and in some cases observe it's behavior. I will be glad to discuss with you your clocks's condition, and examine any pictures you send to me, but I cannot give a firm quote of repair costs without actually inspecting your clock.

Your repair costs will not exceed the estimate by more than 10% without your authorization when the estimate is based on an actual physical inspection. You are responsible for all return shipping costs even if you decide not to have your clock repaired. Any clock or movement left for more than 90 days after an estimate is given when repair has NOT been authorized shall be considered abandoned and will be disposed of. Please call or email any questions.
