This is a typical Korean reproduction of a nice round-top long drop regulator. Probably from the late 20th. century. There is no name on the dial or the movement. The movement has the number 4770 stamped into the plate which may be a serial number or date code, I'm not sure. It is a fairly attractive clock but these movements are not especially robust, although when properly cared for they run amazingly well. This clock arrived at the shop needing just a minor adjustment and a bit of oil and was returned in running order. A complete service was deferred until a later date.
Not for sale
(returned to owner after service)
The information on this page is believed to the writer to be correct at the date
of posting but is presented with no guarantee expressed or implied. Pictures were
a true representation of this clock at the time of posting but may not be
current. Please contact me if you believe that any of the above information is
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