Westclox Baby Ben Deluxe Type 2A Alarm Clock, 1928's
This is a Westclox style 2A Baby Ben Deluxe alarm clock made in 1928. Like other Baby Bens, this is a one-day clock. Unlike newer alarms this model has an alternating alarm system which, when selected, causes the clock to alarm for a few seconds then pause for a few seconds before alarming again. The face shows its age and the die-cast base has considerable distress which appears to be typical for this model. The main difference between this Baby Ben and similar models is that the Deluxe has the cast metal base and no lifting ring at the top.
The clock arrived in the shop not running. It required cleaning, bushing work, and replacing a cracked cannon pinion. The alarm control labels were replaced and the clock was returned in running order. Greenfield Clock Shop normally does not repair small alarm clocks.
Not for sale
(returned to owner after service)
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Unless otherwise credited, the pictures and information on this page are the
property of Robert H Croswell & Greenfield Clock shop, 4180 Main Street,
Trappe, MD 21673 and may not be sold or used for commercial purposes without
permission. © 2016
email: bobby@greenfieldclockshop.com