The is a cute little 8-day time and strike mantel clock made by Ansonia Clock Co. It strikes the hours and the half-hour on a coiled gong. Strike counting is by rack and snail. I believe this is the Cabinet 38 model but so far I have not dated it. It has a small round brass movement with open main springs. The wheels and pinions are good quality with cut teeth. It has a recoil escapement and a rather short fast beating little adjustable pendulum and a front rate adjustment as well. There is a porcelain enamel dial. The face is about 4 1/2 in diameter. The case is 10 inches wide and 8 1/2 inches tall. There is not much extra space inside the case. The movement is held by two screws through the brass back door and the movement is easily removed for service in spite of the cramped space. The original glass was lost and the one shown is a replacement provided by the owner. The bezel and door hinge have had some trauma so the door does not latch but does stay closed 'adequately' and looks mostly OK. The movement has several scratches from careless previous repairs.
Not for sale
(returned to owner after service)
The information on this page is believed to the writer to be correct at the date
of posting but is presented with no guarantee expressed or implied. Pictures were
a true representation of this clock at the time of posting but may not be
current. Please contact me if you believe that any of the above information is
incorrect, or if you wish to share additional information, or discuss this